Arquivo de Junho, 2010

Fiesta de Moros y Cristianos

Posted: 24 de Junho de 2010 in Sem categoria

   Moros y Cristianos    –   ¡No te pierdas esta estupenda fiesta!  ¡Aún la puedes ver en julio, en la Comunidad Valenciana!

    La fiesta de Moros y Cristianos nace como rememoración de la etapa del poderío  musulmán en la Península Ibérica y de las batallas que fueron alternando el poder entre musulmanes y cristianos. Esta fiesta se celebra en distintas ciudades y pueblos españoles, como, por ejemplo, la Región de Murcia, Castilla-La Mancha, Andalucía Oriental y especialmente  la Comunidad Valenciana.

Felices Vacaciones

Posted: 24 de Junho de 2010 in Sem categoria


¡ Nos vamos a la playa  !

   ¡Hola ! ¿Qué tal estáis? ¡Estupendamente!, ¿verdad ? Bueno,  os dejamos aquí unas postales de Calpe para que os animéis a veranear en esa preciosa ciudad. Deseamos que tengáis unas felices vacaciones  en  la playa o en la montaña.                                                 

                             ¡ Que os vaya bien y hasta setiembre !

Vive les vacances!

Posted: 20 de Junho de 2010 in Sem categoria

          Et voilà…. L’année scolaire se termine… Maintenant, place au soleil, à la plage, à la piscine, à la grasse matinée,…

       Nous vous souhaitons à tous de très Bonnes Vacances !

Last day of school

Posted: 18 de Junho de 2010 in Sem categoria

School year has finally come to an end. If you have studied your lessons, done your homework and behaved properly, then this will surely be a happy time. If you haven’t, well… you can try again next year!

Now, just take your time, relax and try to have as much fun as you can!

If you are enrolling in a different school, we wish you all the best. If you are staying with us for some more time, keep in mind that a brand new school will be waiting for you in September!

Please, have the greatest summer of all times and happy holidays!

Go, Portugal, go!

Posted: 15 de Junho de 2010 in Sem categoria

In a few hours, the Portuguese National Football Team will be playing against the Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) team,  at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, in South Africa, as part of the 2010 Fifa World Cup.

We gotta feeling that great football will be played and we will be victorious!

So, be sure to play your vuvuzela and…


World Environment Day

Posted: 5 de Junho de 2010 in Sem categoria

World Environment Day was created in order to stimulate people’s awareness, draw political attention and increase public action regarding the Environment. It is on 5 June, the day that the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment began and was established in Stockholm, in 1972.

Every year, a different city hosts WED and commemorations are held under a different theme. This year, the WED theme is Many Species. One Planet. One Future. The global host is Rwanda – a country of great diversity that has taken serious actions in terms of environmental protection – and celebrations will go on for three days.

(in: Wikipedia; adapted and abridged)

What about you? What are you going to do for WED?

Change your attitude towards the Environment! Be informed! Take small steps! Green your daily routine!


Happy Children’s Day!

Posted: 1 de Junho de 2010 in Festivities

Children’s Day is celebrated on different days in many countries around the world. On June 1, several countries, such as Portugal, celebrate an Internacional Children’s Day. Other countries, such as Australia, celebrate a Universal Children’s Day on November 20. Many nations declare days for children on other days.

In 1925, as a result of the World Conference for the Well-being of Children, in Switzerland, June 1 was proclamed to be the International Children’s Day.

This day is usually marked with speeches on children’s rights and well-being, children TV programs, parties, various actions envolving and/or dedicated to children, families go out, among others.

[in: Wikipedia; adapted and abridged]

So, regardless of being a child, have a very happy Children’s Day!